Electra Lift

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Lift Door Operator

What is a lift door operator?

A lift door operator is a mechanical device that is located on top of the lift car. This device works with a motor and pulley system to open and close the lift car doors. As the lift car travels to different levels, the door operator and car door components interlock with the landing door components to open both sets of doors. This allows passengers to enter the lift car. 

The lift door operator controls the characteristics of how the lift doors open and close on every level. This movement includes the acceleration and deceleration of the doors during the open and close, the speeds of both the open and close, the torque power if the doors are heavy, the motion of re-opening when an object is placed between the doors, etc. Most door operators have a vast range of parameters that can be programmed to suit each buidings needs.

Where a lift has two or three entrances, additional door operators are required on the lift car at these entrances. 

Old Lift Door Operator

Old Door Operator

Example of a very old door operator showing the motor, belts, gearbox and pulley arms. As you can see this door operator has alot of moving components that open the lift car door. 

This helps give an understanding of the purpose of an elevator door operator.

Upgraded Door Operators

Example of newly installed lift door operators. 

These door operators are modern with more compact components that perform the same task of opening/closing the lift car doors. 

This is a through car with two entrances so there are two door operators.

Lift Door Operator

Below are examples of commonly used new door operators. 

These door operators are quality products that are commercially available. 

The type of door operator used depends on what will adapt to your existing lift design.


Hydra Plus is a door system which can be used with any kind of application from residential buildings up to highly frequented office buildings and hotels.

Visit Wittur for more information


Heavy-duty GAL Harmonic Door Operators meet any design requirement for new elevators as well as modernization projects. With well-engineered features that make installation easy, the harmonic range is a dependable option for long-term, low maintenance operation.


Durable, quality door systems with many modernisation applications. Low power consumption with a high performance permanent magnet motor.

Visit LMA (Lift Material Australia) who are the authorized distributor for Fermator for more information


Why would I need to upgrade the door operator?

The power door operator is used during every operation of the lift. The controlled movement of the open and close is vital to the lift operating reliabily for everyone to use. There are many reasons why you may need to upgrade your door operator.

➤ Obsolescence. The existing door operator may be obsolete with replacement parts no longer manufactured. This leaves a risk to the owners of extended downtimes if the door operator was to fail.

➤ Poor Operation & Age. The life expectancy of a door operator is dependent on numerous factors that include the usage frequency of the lift, the quality of the installed operator, the type of lift application and the age of the equipment. Typically, as the door operator ages with millions of uses the equipment starts to become unreliable.

➤ Improved Performance. Generally, quality door operators have a life expectancy of 15-20 years before they may need to be replaced or upgraded. The open and close of the lift doors gives passengers a sense of confidence about the lift in general. It is important to ensure this operation of the lift is smooth, controlled and consistant. Upgrading the door operator to a better quality system will improve this process.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is in the owners best interest to eliminate risks associated with lifts breaking down or failing. Typically, if a door operator is 15+ years old or obsolete, it should be upgraded.

Generally no. A new door operator will need to be selected to suit your existing lift design, and most often to suit the existing landing door equipment. This is to ensure they can interlock as required at each level to open/close properly.

Yes. It is possible to upgrade just one door operator and keep the other one. However we recommend both are upgraded at the same time to ensure they can open/close with the same parameters and consistancy. 

Additionally consideration should be given to the landing door locks/tracks/hangers. Are they also obsolete, old and problematic? Maybe a full door system upgrade should be considered which includes all the landing door equipment as well. 

Ask US! We can inspect your lift equipment and provide valuable information about what exists and what future planning may be required. 

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