Lift Door System
What is a lift door system?
The lift door system consists of various components that facilitate the opening and closing of the doors at each level. These components encompass the equipment on the elevator car and at all landings. On the elevator car, these include the car door operator, car running tracks and switches, car door panels, and car sill. At the landings, these components consist of door locks/tracks and hangers, landing door panels, safety access devices, and fire compliance certification.
The lift door system plays a crucial role in ensuring a seamless operation of the elevator, enabling smooth door movements at every level.

Old Door System
These are some examples of old door systems. As the equipment ages, the open and close at every level becomes rough and unpredictable. Many old door systems are obsolete with replacement parts no longer manufactured.
Risks relating to old door systems include random breakdown with door locks not making properly, extended downtimes if major components fail on the landing equipment and passenger discomfort with the rough open/close damaging confidence.
Upgraded Door System
Example photos of upgraded door systems.
Newly installed landing door tracks/locks & hangers, door operators, door panels and access devices provide an ‘as new’ open and close on every level.
These upgrade packages are adapted to your existing lift car and landing door frames.

Below are examples of commonly used door systems for modernisations.
These door systems are high quality and commercially available.
The type of door system used depends on what will adapt to your existing elevator.
Wittur AMD Package
This Modernisation package is a door system which can be used with any kind of application from residential buildings up to highly frequented office buildings and hotels.
Durable, quality door systems with many modernisation applications. Low power consumption with a high performance permanent magnet motor.

Why would I need to upgrade the door system?
The Lift door system is used during every operation of the lift. The controlled movement of the open and close is vital to the lift operating reliabily for everyone to use. There are many reasons why you may need to upgrade your door system.
➤ Obsolescence. The existing door system may be obsolete with replacement parts no longer manufactured. This leaves a risk to the owners of extended downtimes if components on the door operator or landing tracks/locks were to fail.
➤ Poor Operation & Age. The life expectancy of a complete door system is dependent on numerous factors that include the usage frequency of the lift, the quality of the installed equipment, the type of lift application and the age of the equipment. Typically, as the door equipment ages with millions of uses the components start to become unreliable.
➤ Improved Performance. Generally, quality door systems have a life expectancy of 15-20 years before issues start to arise. The smooth operation of the elevator doors instills confidence in passengers regarding the elevator as a whole. Ensuring that the elevator operation is smooth, controlled, and consistent is essential. Upgrading the entire door system to a higher-quality system will enhance this process.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is in the owners best interest to eliminate risks associated with lifts breaking down or failing. Typically, if a door system is 18 to 20+ years old or obsolete, an upgrade should be considered.
Yes. When modifications are made to the landing door equipment, it must undergo re-certification and compliance tagging. Installing new landing door locks and tracks necessitates a fire inspection by a certified company. Upon passing the inspection, compliant tags can be affixed, allowing the fire company to provide annual sign-offs to fulfill local council regulations.
During a complete door system upgrade, it is advisable to replace all the landing door panels. The new landing door panels typically feature a stainless steel finish and are fire-rated. The lighter weight of the new door panels helps improve the opening and closing process while aiding in the transition to the new landing door tracks.
Some old door panels are very heavy and contain asbestos. In some cases, asbestos checks are performed to confirm this.
- The landing door frames. As new landing door panels will be installed with most door systems, consideration can be given to either re-cladding the landing frames in stainless steel or re-painting them.
- Car door light ray scanner. This is the sensors on the lift car door panels that reopen when obstructed by a person/object. This can be upgraded to provide improved operation and compliance. More information about a new light ray can be found at LIFT MATERIAL.
Ask US! We can inspect your lift equipment and provide valuable information about what exists and what future planning may be required.
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